Monday 29 December 2014

Smart City Dholera | Dholera Project | Property in Dholera | Dholera Land Investment

What are Smart Cities?

There’s no simple definition for smart cities. The term encompasses a vision of an urban space that is ecologically friendly, technologically integrated and meticulously planned, with a particular reliance on the use of information technology to improve efficiency.

Dholera Smart City
Dholera Smart City

The Smart Cities Dholera, an industry-backed outfit that advocates the concept in India, describes them as cities that leverage data gathered from smart sensors through a smart grid to create a city that is livable, workable and sustainable.

What is smart about them?

According to the Dholera Project, all the data that is collected from sensors – electricity, gas, water, traffic and other government analytics – is carefully compiled and integrated into a smart grid and then fed into computers that can focus on making the city as efficient as possible.

This allows authorities to have real-time information about the Dholera SIR around them, and allows computers to attempt “perfect operations”, such as balancing supply and demand on electricity networks, synchronizing traffic signals for peak usage, and optimizing energy networks.

Why do we need them?

India’s is urbanizing at an unprecedented rate, so much that estimates suggest nearly 600 million of Indians will be living in cities by 2030, up from 290 million as reported in the 2001 census. Alongside the hordes of Indians go the jobs and the money as well: a Dholera Special Investment Region would generate 70% of the new jobs created by 2030, produce more than 70% of the Indian gross domestic product and drive a fourfold increase in per capital incomes across the country.

“The cost of not paying attention to India’s cities is enormous,” the MGI report said. “The speed of urbanization poses an unprecedented managerial and policy challenge – yet India has barely engaged in a national discussion about how to handle the seismic shift in the makeup of the nation.”

Are they going to be new cities?

In his budget speech, Property in Dholera listed out exactly why the government believes it needs to be spending money on 100 smart cities. He claimed that “unless new cities are developed to accommodate the burgeoning number of people, the existing cities would soon become unlivable.”

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Dholera Smart City Supported the Creation and Growth of Communities

Dholera Smart City Supported the Creation and Growth of Communities

The Smart City Dholera was focus on improving the delivery of e-government at the city level. It has worked to identify which e-services services work best and why, and to facilitate the transfer of successful e-Government approaches across national and regional borders. At the Indian level, the Dholera Project has worked to support the creation and growth of communities of practice across the Gujarat Region, and to build organizational commitment and capacity for inter-regional government service sharing.
Dholera Smart City
Dholera Smart City

Subsequent sessions focused on concrete actions that all cities could take to improve services that built on the lessons learned during the Smart City Dholera project. While all cities claim to want to be smart, there are a number of different ways in which they can be smart, and the project showed a self-assessment tool for cities to use to identify their ambitions and to put their achievements in context. The need to systematically review business processes and systems was set out, as these are the foundations of successful e-service delivery.

Understanding your citizens is key to delivering good and relevant services, and the event saw the public launch of the Indian Service List and the Indian Function Lists. This set of analytic tools showed attendees how they could use data and this tool set to better understand their communities and to design more relevant services for Dholera citizens. Attendees felt these tools had real transnational potential to help cities across India better understand what services their citizens want and where and how they should be delivered.

While the vast majority of Dholera Special Investment Region e-government programmers and projects focus on national and regional services, it is the cities and municipalities across India that provides the e-government systems and solutions that citizens use every day. Speakers emphasized the need for governments to focus on this aspect of e-government and for the need for a renewed focus by all parts of governments on e-government at this level to deliver the ambitions of project and the Digital Local Agenda.
As service channels continue to develop and expand, Property in Dholera need to proactively manage their delivery channels and ensure that they deliver the same high standard of service using whatever channel the citizen wants to use. Developing robust organizational approaches and integrated systems is key to providing 21st century services.

Monday 22 December 2014

Smart City Dholera Special Investment Region in Gujarat

Smart City Dholera Special Investment Region in Gujarat

There is no doubt that Smart Cities hold a lot of promise to help make our communities safer, better places to live. But, as with every new technical development, there are risks. What are the components of a Smart City? What are the problems? More importantly, Property in Dholera can governments keeps up with technology? People, when they hear the term "Dream City" for the first time, tend to think of energy, specifically, the arguments surrounding the move toward sustainable and ecologically-friendly energy.

Smart City Dholera SIR
Smart City Dholera SIR

A Smart city Dholera Special Investment Region is, at its heart, a concept which introduces technology to create positive changes and make people's lives better." There is no one template for making a city smart, and the first step each Smart City program has to take is a local approach to solve local problems. Those approaches can then be expanded to include a larger area, but it is important to start small. The opportunities to apply technology in a community are numerous.

Dholera Project Challenges and Opportunities

For all its advantages, though, Smart Cities do have several obstacles to overcome. Perhaps foremost among Dholera Project is the acceptance of some people in the community. What could be the issue? The problem, it turns out, is two-fold. First, people usually want to see a tangible economic benefit from an investment in the community. "For instance," explained Dholera SIR, "if you invest community resources to place sensors on a bridge to notify maintenance of needed repair ahead of time, that's great. It actually saves money. But, the people don't usually see the benefit. Sure, the bridge gets repaired before small problems become large problems, but it doesn't mean that people recognize that as a tangible improvement."

While getting people to see that matters like civic maintenance are taken care of before they become big problems is one roadblock to Smart City Dholera rollouts, another, larger concern is about what the technology represents. The ubiquitous placement of technology in everything someone does, from point-of-sale smart cards to mass transit to street cameras, in addition to the relocation functionality present in today's smartphones, has raised fears of creating a "Dream City" state where the notion of privacy becomes a forgotten relic of the past.

Friday 19 December 2014

Smart City Dholera Arising From Demographics and Global Warming

Smart City Dholera
Smart City Dholera

Smart City Dholera Arising From Demographics and Global Warming

With the right technologies in environmental care, metropolitan areas will become more environmentally friendly and furthermore can help their local authorities and businesses to cut costs. Rapid urbanization is a challenge for cities and megacities all over the world and especially in the Lower Gulf Region. Between three quarters and over 90 percent of the region's population already lives in cities and the numbers are rising. Property in Dholera about 70 percent of greenhouse gases, two thirds of the energy consumed and 60 percent of water consumption can be attributed to cities around the world.

Most crucial in the arid Middle East is an efficient water supply. As a matter of course a reliable and safe supply of water can only be achieved by purifying drinking water and by reusing waste water. The Smart City Dholera Facing further challenges arising from demographic changes and global warming cities are forced to improve their energy consumption and the efficiency of their infrastructures. Modern technology allows sustainable cities to improve the living conditions of their residents and furthermore become more environmentally friendly.

But what does it take in order to become a green city or a smart city? Sustainability seems to be the keyword. First of all cities and communities should optimize their infrastructure and provide modern and efficient services which are justified on the needs of their residents. Dholera Land Investment Intelligent traffic control systems help to keep the traffic flow and can help to reduce emissions.

The implementation of modern technologies in buildings can save up to 60 per cent of the energy used in service and maintenance of buildings. In order to assess a building's cost effectiveness it is necessary to take into account all the costs that will arise during its lifecycle. The India Dholera Investment Savings are guaranteed and will finance associated measures and assure cost effectiveness in future. Moreover modern lighting in buildings is not only energy efficient but also creates a positive atmosphere which helps to improve living quality and enables effective and creative working.

The most important factor of Dholera SIR Project for energy efficiency in a green city is the right solution for the entire energy conversion chain, which starts at the efficient energy generation in combined gas and steam turbines and in solar power plants. A decisive factor for sustainable urban development is intelligent conservation of energy. This allows communities and businesses to be more productive while using less energy. 

Smart City Dholera SIR with Modern Technology as New Digital World

Smart City Dholera SIR with Modern Technology as New Digital World

The implementation of dholera project with modern technologies in buildings can save up to 60 percent of the energy used in service and maintenance of buildings. In order to assess a building's cost effectiveness it is necessary to take into account all the costs that will arise during its lifecycle. Savings are guaranteed and will finance associated measures and assure cost effectiveness in future. Moreover modern lighting in buildings is not only energy efficient but also creates a positive atmosphere which helps to improve living quality and enables effective and creative working.

Packers and Movers Ahmedabad
Packers and Movers Ahmedabad

The Dholera Project Focus on Green City

Facing further challenges arising from demographic changes and global warming cities are forced to improve their energy consumption and the efficiency of their infrastructures. Modern technology of Smart City Dholera allows sustainable cities to improve the living conditions of their residents and furthermore become more environmentally friendly.

But what does Dholera SIR Project take in order to become a green city or a smart city? Sustainability seems to be the keyword. First of all cities and communities should optimize their infrastructure and provide modern and efficient services which are justified on the needs of their residents. Intelligent traffic control systems help to keep the traffic flow and can help to reduce emissions.

Investment in dholera property metropolitan areas will become more environmentally friendly and furthermore can help their local authorities and businesses to cut costs. Rapid urbanization is a challenge for cities and megacities all over the world and especially in the Lower Gulf Region. Between three quarters and over 90 percent of the region's population already lives in cities and the numbers are rising.

 About 70 percent of greenhouse gases, two thirds of the energy consumed, and 60 percent of water consumption can be attributed to cities around the world. Most crucial in the arid Middle East is an efficient water supply. As a matter of course a reliable and safe supply of water can only be achieved by purifying drinking water and by reusing waste water.

The most important factor of smart city for energy efficiency in a green city Dholera SIR is the right solution for the entire energy conversion chain, which starts at the efficient energy generation in combined gas and steam turbines and in solar power plants. A decisive factor for sustainable urban development is intelligent conservation of energy. This allows communities and businesses to be more productive while using less energy.

Monday 15 December 2014

Smart City Dholera SIR Commercial Building Automation and Efficiency

Smart City Dholera SIR Commercial Building Automation and Efficiency

The smart city Project and the Smart Buildings therein are not a marketing campaign, slick sales technique or an amusing political catch phrase. It is a series of solutions to a serious and urgent situation the world faces today. Smart Cities are emerging as a civic action due to a "perfect storm" of the convergence of market conditions, technology innovation, social wants, government needs and the migration to urban environments that has accelerated on a global scale which dwarfs any previous mass movement of people in history.

Smart City Dholera
Smart City Dholera

The Dholera SIR project provides cities the opportunity to define its programs, policies and procedures according to its own local set of priorities and needs. Dholera Investment frameworks are being designed and marketed by academics, companies, urban associations and the media, as well as the use of technologies like smart buildings. Through this cacophony of frameworks, a foundation has emerged that help define areas of Dholera Smart City interest, action and measures. Most frameworks use the word SMART as an acronym to mean Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based goals. These same frameworks provide the definition of 10 Smart City elements:

• Energy
• Water
• Waste
• Infrastructure
• Public Safety
• Education
• Healthcare
• Green Buildings
• Transportation
• Citizen Services

The interesting thing about Smart City Dholera initiatives is the closely integrated way that seemingly disparate elements work together. As cities begin their trans formative process into land investment, it helps to consider the manner in which cities will need to address the social, economic, engineering and environmental challenges. And this manner will center on Knowledge.

Property in Dholera Cities is a mirror to the values of our civilization. At the core, Smart City solutions, both large and small, have an opportunity to assist in creating an environment for people to prosper in a welcoming, inclusive and open manner. A Smart City's success will only be measured by how well its inhabitant's quality of life improves. It is our generation's greatest challenge and the best legacy we can leave to our children. Dholera Smart city, the commercial real estate leader in technology, automated business solutions and intelligent buildings.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Smart City Dholera Dream Project of Narendra Modi

Smart City Dholera Dream Project of Narendra Modi

The Dholera SIR will broadly comprise of various zones including residential, commercial, financial, manufacturing, processing, entertainment and institutional and others in addition to the world class infrastructure in terms of road, water, sanitation and other facilities. Taking into account various factors like availability of govt land, population of the affected villages, flooding in the area, proximity to Ahmedabad, closeness of ports and airport locations, a final delineation has been worked out for SIR (Special Investment Region), which comprises of 22 villages of Ahmedabad District of which 19 are of Dhanduka Taluka and 3 are of Bharvala taluka. An area of around 872 Sq. Kms. Will be delineated as the SIR area. However, actual urban development of SIR area would be approximately 500 Sq. Kms (50000 Hectares).

Smart City Dholera SIR
Smart City Dholera SIR

Project Vision…

To develop Smart City Dholera SIR as global manufacturing and trading hub i.e. "The engine for economic resurgence of the country" which is supported by world class infrastructure?

"The Development Plan, taking into account the DMIC objectives and goals, should focus towards creating and enabling environment to protect local industries, enhance investment climate, improve quality of life, upgrade human skills, create world class infrastructure and attract global investment". 
Project goals are to double the employment potential, triple industrial output and quadruple exports from the region in next five years.


·         To provide for establishment, operation, regulation and management of large size Investment Regions and Industrial Areas in the State of Gujarat.

·         To specially enable their development as global hubs of economic activity.

·         Supported by world class infrastructure, premium civic amenities, centers of excellence and pro-active policy framework.

Dholera SIR: Ideally located, widely connected...

·         Total Area : 920 sq. kms: a green field location
·         Developable area: 567.39 sq. kms.
·         High Access Corridor: City Center, Industrial, Logistic, Knowledge
·         & IT, Recreation & Sports, Entertainment
·         World-class infrastructure & connectivity: within & outside
·         Central spine express way & Metro Rail to link the SIR with mega cities
·         Airport & Sea Port in the vicinity
·         Proximity to mega cities: Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar, Vadodara
·         Benefit of sea coast, nature park, golf course
·         Premium civic amenities
·         Capable to cater to both International & Domestic Market
·         Close to Gujarat International Finance TechCity (GIFT)
·         Close to Petro-chemicals and Petroleum Inv. Region (PCPIR)
·         Logistic support of the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DMIC).
·         Benefits of the high impact Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)
·         To be linked with Ahmedabad city with metro rail system
·         Public investment in core infrastructure

Salient Features…

·         Dholera SIR: A Self-governed global center of economic activities...
·         Empowered mechanism for administration
·         Autonomy in operations
·         Flexibility in decisions
·         Freedom in planning
·         Commitment to adopt best practices
·         Full potential for private sector participation
·         Fully developed environment & framework for PPP
·         PSP modes : BOT, BOOT etc already optional   

Project Highlights and Opportunity…

Dholera SIR: Highlights 

·         A self-governed economic region enjoying full support of the government and full potential for private sector participation
·         Logistic support of the Delhi-Mumbai Dedicated Freight Corridor linked with efficient rail and road network.
·         To be linked with Ahmedabad city with metro rail system
·         Proximity to sea port, Closeness to international airport
·         Premium civic amenities
·         Close to Gujarat International Finance City (GIFT)
·         Close to Petro-chemicals and Petroleum Inv. Region (PCPIR)
·         Autonomy in operations
·         Flexibility in decisions
·         Single window clearance
·         Dispute Resolution mechanism  

Monday 8 December 2014

Smart City Dholera SIR - A New Digital World

Smart City Dholera SIR - A New Digital World

Dholera is a town situated in Ahmedabad district in the Gulf of Khambhat. Strategically located, the Ahmedabad-Dholera industrial region lies within 100 km from Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) in Southern Gujarat.

The Smart City Dholera had been a flourishing port in Gujarat with a prosperous trade till early 18th century. The state government is planning to develop it as a Special Investment Region (SIR) , the first in Gujarat. The Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR) is a part of the Delhi – Mumbai Industrial Corridor close to key cities in Gujarat. This will be a self-governed economic region enjoying full support of the government and full potential for private sector participation. The project is close to the Gujarat International Finance City (GIFT) and will offer the most modern of amenities to residents and industries as well as extensive green spaces, tourism options and clean energy and environmental planning.

Opportunities in Dholera include

·         To build the industrial parks, townships, knowledge cities

·     Building infrastructure: road, rail, hospital, water, sanitation, tourism, and hospitality Set up the metro rail system & international airport

·         Potential for development as a multi-modal transportation hub due to lesser distance to all the northern Indian States.

·         Build world class transport service foreign markets

The vision is to develop Dholera Land Investment Region as global manufacturing and trading hub supported by world-class infrastructure. Under the provisions of the Gujarat SIR Act, 2009, the authority is preparing town planning schemes. The scope of work includes: Preparation of the Conceptual Draft Town Planning Scheme, Preparation of the Draft Town Planning Scheme up to owners meet, Publication of Draft Town Planning Scheme, Submission of the Draft Town Planning Scheme for sanction. Demarcation & Implementation of Sanctioned Draft TPS Road.

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