Monday 15 December 2014

Smart City Dholera SIR Commercial Building Automation and Efficiency

Smart City Dholera SIR Commercial Building Automation and Efficiency

The smart city Project and the Smart Buildings therein are not a marketing campaign, slick sales technique or an amusing political catch phrase. It is a series of solutions to a serious and urgent situation the world faces today. Smart Cities are emerging as a civic action due to a "perfect storm" of the convergence of market conditions, technology innovation, social wants, government needs and the migration to urban environments that has accelerated on a global scale which dwarfs any previous mass movement of people in history.

Smart City Dholera
Smart City Dholera

The Dholera SIR project provides cities the opportunity to define its programs, policies and procedures according to its own local set of priorities and needs. Dholera Investment frameworks are being designed and marketed by academics, companies, urban associations and the media, as well as the use of technologies like smart buildings. Through this cacophony of frameworks, a foundation has emerged that help define areas of Dholera Smart City interest, action and measures. Most frameworks use the word SMART as an acronym to mean Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based goals. These same frameworks provide the definition of 10 Smart City elements:

• Energy
• Water
• Waste
• Infrastructure
• Public Safety
• Education
• Healthcare
• Green Buildings
• Transportation
• Citizen Services

The interesting thing about Smart City Dholera initiatives is the closely integrated way that seemingly disparate elements work together. As cities begin their trans formative process into land investment, it helps to consider the manner in which cities will need to address the social, economic, engineering and environmental challenges. And this manner will center on Knowledge.

Property in Dholera Cities is a mirror to the values of our civilization. At the core, Smart City solutions, both large and small, have an opportunity to assist in creating an environment for people to prosper in a welcoming, inclusive and open manner. A Smart City's success will only be measured by how well its inhabitant's quality of life improves. It is our generation's greatest challenge and the best legacy we can leave to our children. Dholera Smart city, the commercial real estate leader in technology, automated business solutions and intelligent buildings.


  1. This is really true line about this project that "large and small investors both have an opportunity to assist in creating an environment for people" to make them prosper and providing good life to them. After getting such good knowledge through this blog it will be better to make some investment with the help of some experienced investment company

  2. That is really true that smart city project is not just a marketing campaign or technique to boost the sale of land it consist of world class smart features also for more details i recommend to enhance the knowledge regarding this project.


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