Monday 29 December 2014

Smart City Dholera | Dholera Project | Property in Dholera | Dholera Land Investment

What are Smart Cities?

There’s no simple definition for smart cities. The term encompasses a vision of an urban space that is ecologically friendly, technologically integrated and meticulously planned, with a particular reliance on the use of information technology to improve efficiency.

Dholera Smart City
Dholera Smart City

The Smart Cities Dholera, an industry-backed outfit that advocates the concept in India, describes them as cities that leverage data gathered from smart sensors through a smart grid to create a city that is livable, workable and sustainable.

What is smart about them?

According to the Dholera Project, all the data that is collected from sensors – electricity, gas, water, traffic and other government analytics – is carefully compiled and integrated into a smart grid and then fed into computers that can focus on making the city as efficient as possible.

This allows authorities to have real-time information about the Dholera SIR around them, and allows computers to attempt “perfect operations”, such as balancing supply and demand on electricity networks, synchronizing traffic signals for peak usage, and optimizing energy networks.

Why do we need them?

India’s is urbanizing at an unprecedented rate, so much that estimates suggest nearly 600 million of Indians will be living in cities by 2030, up from 290 million as reported in the 2001 census. Alongside the hordes of Indians go the jobs and the money as well: a Dholera Special Investment Region would generate 70% of the new jobs created by 2030, produce more than 70% of the Indian gross domestic product and drive a fourfold increase in per capital incomes across the country.

“The cost of not paying attention to India’s cities is enormous,” the MGI report said. “The speed of urbanization poses an unprecedented managerial and policy challenge – yet India has barely engaged in a national discussion about how to handle the seismic shift in the makeup of the nation.”

Are they going to be new cities?

In his budget speech, Property in Dholera listed out exactly why the government believes it needs to be spending money on 100 smart cities. He claimed that “unless new cities are developed to accommodate the burgeoning number of people, the existing cities would soon become unlivable.”


  1. Dholera smart city is really a huge project coming up with several opportunities for investments for more investment details one can also visit

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